Our Mission
The Connecticut Farm Energy Program provides technical assistance to AG producers and raises awareness about energy conservation and efficiency. We do this while promoting alternative and renewable forms of energy on Connecticut farms.
An Energy Resource
The CT Farm Energy Program is a resource and clearinghouse of information to those interested in learning more about on-farm energy opportunities in Connecticut, available programs, grant opportunities, financial incentives, loans, audits, educational opportunities and events. CFEP also has been host to various innovative projects with regards to farms and energy throughout the years. CFEP provides technical assistance to farms in order for them to implement energy projects as well as providing guidance to policy makers.

Our History
The Connecticut Farm Energy Program began in May 2009 as a partnership between USDA Rural Development and the Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc.
A Pilot Program
We began as a pilot program offering grant-writing assistance to agriculture producers and rural small businesses in New London and Windham Counties. In particular, we help with applications for USDA Rural Development’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants.
Expanding Our Service Area
In October 2010, the CT Farm Energy Program expanded its service area to include 86 towns in Hartford, Middlesex, New London, Tolland, and Windham counties. In October 2011, we became a statewide program of CT Resource Conservation & Development.
Our Work Today
CT Farm Energy currently provides technical assistance in the form of grant writing assistance to eligible AG producers and AG based rural small business located in all 169 towns in Connecticut in applying to USDA Rural Development for a REAP grant.

Our Partners
CFEP is a program of Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development Area, Inc., with support from USDA Rural Development and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Past project support has been provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Connecticut Department of Agriculture. CFEP works in partnership with Energize CT, CT Energy Efficiency Board, Eversource, United Illuminating, CT Green Bank, UConn Extension, USDA NRCS, Connecticut Farm Bureau, New England Farm Energy Collaborative and other related organizations.